MapLink™ Procedures | Elevation certificates

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Elevation certificates
A. Township Engineer. The Township Engineer is hereby designated as the Local Community Permit Officer for the purposes of completing the elevation certificate as recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Flood Insurance Program. Any building owner, insurance agent or mortgage lender requiring an elevation certificate shall submit the same to the Township Engineer.
(1) The applicant shall provide the following information:
(a) Complete name and complete mailing address of the owner of the building being certified.
(b) Proper location or legal description of the building being certified.
(2) Upon receipt of the elevation certificate, the Township Engineer, as the designated Local Community Permit Officer, shall complete Section I, Eligibility Certification, and Section II, Elevation Certification. The owner or applicant, as applicable, shall be required to have Section III, Floodproofing Certification, completed.

B. Costs. When an owner or applicant submits an elevation certificate to the Township for completion, the applicant shall also submit payment for the application completion fee. Said fee shall be established by resolution of the Board of Commissioners.