MapLink™ Procedures | Inspection by the Zoning Officer

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Inspection by the Zoning Officer
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer or his duly appointed representative to make the following minimum number of inspections of property for which a permit has been issued. Such inspections shall be in addition to any required to determine compliance with Chapter 70, Building Construction and Safety Standards.

A. Beginning of construction. A record shall be made indicating the time and date of inspection and the finding of the Zoning Officer in regard to conformance of the construction with plans submitted with the approved permit application. If the actual construction does not conform to the application, a written notice of violation shall be issued by the Zoning Officer, and such construction shall be discontinued. Upon proper correction of the violation and receipt of written notice from the Zoning Officer, construction shall proceed.

B. Throughout construction. Before issuing any permit, the Zoning Officer may, at his discretion, examine or cause to be examined all buildings, structures, signs or land and portions thereof for which an application has been filed for the erection, construction, alteration, repair, extension, replacement, relocation, conversion and/or use. Thereafter, he may make such inspections during the completion of work for which a permit has been issued.

C. Final inspection. Upon completion of work and before issuing a certificate of use and occupancy, a final inspection shall be made. All violations of the approved plans or permit shall be noted, the holder of the permit shall be notified of the discrepancies and all discrepancies shall be corrected before a certificate of use and occupancy is issued.