MapLink™ Procedures | Nonconformances, Changes to

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Nonconformances, Changes to
Repairs and structural alterations may be made to a nonconforming building or structure or a building or structure occupied by a nonconforming use, provided that such alterations and repairs are in conformance with the regulations as set forth in this chapter and other applicable codes and ordinances adopted by the Township.

Extensions or enlargements. 
A. The types of extensions and enlargements listed below are permitted for nonconforming uses and buildings or structures existing on the effective date of this chapter:
(1) The extension of a nonconforming use of land upon a lot occupied by such use.
(2) The extension or enlargement of a conforming building or structure occupied by a nonconforming use.
(3) The extension or enlargement of a nonconforming building or structure occupied by a nonconforming use.
(4) The extension or enlargement of a nonconforming building or structure occupied by a conforming use.
B. The foregoing extensions or enlargements of such nonconforming buildings, structures or uses shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) The extension or enlargement shall conform to the height, area, yard and impervious coverage regulations of the district in which it is located. Where a building, structure or use is nonconforming as to a required side yard or rear yard setback, the established nonconforming setback may be continued, so long as the proposed extension or enlargement does not project further into any yard, whether a front, side or rear yard, than the original setback line extended. Extension or enlargement of the nonconforming use, building or structure shall not exceed 50% of the floor area or use existing on the effective date of this chapter or the date of an amendment thereto thereby creating the nonconformity.

(2) The entire building, structure or use shall be provided with off-street parking and loading spaces as required by Article XXIV: Off-street Parking herein.

(3) The extension or enlargement does not replace a conforming use.

(4) The extension or enlargement of a building, structure or use used for a nonconforming use shall not be permitted to extend into vacant parcels of land adjacent to the initial parcel of land existing and occupied on the effective date of this chapter, where such vacant parcels have been recorded separately or acquired following the effective date of this chapter.

(5) Any lawful nonconforming use of a building, structure or land may be changed to another nonconforming use of substantially the same character upon approval by special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board. The applicant shall satisfactorily prove to the Zoning Hearing Board that the proposed change in nonconforming use will not increase the need for off-street parking or produce any noise, glare, heat, dust, traffic vibration or illumination in excess of the existing nonconforming use.

Reconstruction and restoration. 
A. A nonconforming building, structure or use which is damaged by fire, explosion, windstorm or other natural or criminal acts may be reconstructed and used for the same purposes, provided that:
(1) The reconstruction and/or restoration of the building or structure is commenced within one year from the date of occurrence of the damage and is carried to completion without undue delay; and
(2) The reconstructed building, structure or occupied area does not exceed the height, area and volume of the original structure and occupied use.
B. In the event that any nonconforming building, structure and/or use is destroyed or partially destroyed and the owner of such has determined reconstruction/restoration unfeasible, the owner will be responsible for the complete removal of the structure and debris, as well as the filling of any excavated areas.

If a nonconforming use ceases operations for a continuous period of more than 12 months, and intent to abandon has been demonstrated by the Township, then such use and any subsequent use, structure or building shall conform to the regulations of this chapter.

See Article XXI: Nonconforming Buildings, Structures and Uses for complete, detailed information.