MapLink™ Procedures | Permits

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A. Requirements of permits.
A zoning permit shall be required prior to the erection, construction, reconstruction, addition, conversion, alteration or use of any building, structure or portion thereof prior to the use or change in use of a building, structure or land and prior to the change or extension of a nonconforming use. It shall be unlawful for any person to commence work for the erection, construction, reconstruction, addition, conversion, alteration or use of any building or for a change in land use until a zoning permit has been duly issued therefor. No such zoning permit shall be required in case of normal maintenance activities or minor repairs. Applicants are hereby notified that a building permit may also be required.

B. Application for permits.
All applications for permits shall be accompanied by plans in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the exact size and location of any buildings and structures existing on the lot, the lines within which the proposed building or structure shall be erected or altered, the existing and intended use of each building or part of a building, the number of families or dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate and such information as may be necessary to determine compliance with this chapter and all other codes and ordinances. One copy of such plans shall be returned to the owner when such plans have been reviewed and acted upon by the Zoning Officer. All applications with accompanying plans and documents shall become a public record after a permit is issued or denied.

C. Issuance of permits.
(1) No permit shall be issued until the Zoning Officer has certified that the proposed building or structure, addition or alteration complies with all the provisions of this chapter, as well as the provisions of all other applicable codes and ordinances.

(2) Applicants are hereby notified that other codes and ordinances enforced by the Codes Official may be applicable.

(3) A permit issued hereunder shall become void 12 months after issuance date if construction or use is not commenced, unless a request for extension has been submitted to and approved by the Zoning Officer. Such request shall be filed with the Zoning Officer at least 30 days prior to the permit expiration date.

(4) Temporary permits. A temporary permit may be authorized by the Zoning Officer for a structure or use which is deemed necessary to promote the proper development of the community, provided that such structure or use shall be completely removed upon expiration of the permit without cost to the Township. Such permits shall be issued for a specified period of time not to exceed 180 days and may be renewed no more than twice.

D. Revoking of permits.
The Zoning Officer may revoke a permit or approval issued under the provisions of this chapter in case of any false statement or misrepresentation of fact in the application or on the plans on which the permit or approval was based or if it found that the work performed or the use to which the property is put is not in conformance with the application, approved plans or provisions of all pertinent laws.