MapLink™ Procedures | Special Exception

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Special Exception
Applications for any special exception permitted by this chapter or variances shall be made to the Zoning Hearing Board through the Zoning Officer. The Zoning Hearing Board may refer the matter to the Planning Commission for report thereon as to its effect on the community goals and objectives of Lower Allen Township, pursuant to § 220-4: Community development goals and objectives herein.

Special exceptions may be granted or denied by the Zoning Hearing Board pursuant to expressed standards and criteria contained in this chapter. The Zoning Hearing Board shall hear and decide requests for such special exceptions in accordance with such standards and criteria and prescribe the application form to be used. The Board may grant approval of a special exception, provided that the applicant complies with the following standards and that the proposed special exception shall not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the neighborhood. The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant.

(1) The applicant shall establish, by credible evidence, compliance with all conditions on the special exception contained within this chapter which give the applicant the right to seek the special exception.

(2) The applicant shall establish, by credible evidence, that the proposed special exception shall be properly serviced by all existing public service systems. The peak traffic and parking demands generated by the subject of the application shall be accommodated in a safe and efficient manner or improvements shall be made in order to effect the same. Similar responsibilities shall be assumed with respect to other public service systems, including, but not limited to police protection, fire protection, utilities, and parks and recreational facilities.

(3) The applicant shall establish, by credible evidence, that the proposed special exception shall be in and of itself properly designed with regard to internal circulation, parking, buffering and all other elements of proper design as specified in this chapter and any other governing law or regulation.

(4) The applicant shall provide the Board with sufficient plans, studies or other data to demonstrate compliance with all applicable regulations.

(5) For uses, structures or any development within the overlay Floodway (FW) and Flood-Fringe (FF) Districts, the applicant shall present evidence of the effect of the use, structure or development on flood levels, flood frequencies and velocities; the susceptibility of the use, structure or development to flood damage; the availability of emergency access to the use, structure or development in times of flood; the necessity of the use, structure or development to be located near the floodplain; and the compliance with the requirement that the use, structure or development will not be located in the floodplain if the use, structure or development increases the base flood elevation.

(6) The applicant shall inform the Board whether any structures on the property are listed upon the National Register of Historic Places or any other registry of historic structures.

(7) The proposed special exception shall not substantially injure or detract from the use of neighboring property or from the character of the neighborhood and the use of property adjacent to the area included in the special exception application shall be adequately safeguarded.

(8) The Board may attach such reasonable conditions and safeguards as it may deem necessary to implement the purposes of and ensure compliance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended, and this chapter, which conditions may include plantings and buffers, harmonious designs of buildings and the elimination of noxious, offensive or hazardous elements.

(9) Unless otherwise specified by the Board or by law, a special exception shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a zoning permit within 12 months from the date of authorization thereof by the Board or by the court if such special exception has been granted after an appeal or fails to complete any erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration or change in use authorized by the special exception approval within one year from the date of authorization thereof by the Board or by the court if such special exception has been granted after an appeal. The Board, upon written application and for reasonable cause shown, may extend the approval for an additional period of up to one year.

(10) Any site plan or plot plan presented in support of the special exception shall become an official part of the record for said special exception. Approval of any special exception shall also bind the use in accordance with the submitted site plan or plot plan. Should a change in the site plan or plot plan be required as a part of the approval of the use, the applicant shall revise the site plan or plot plan prior to the issuance of a zoning permit and present such revised plan to the Zoning Officer. Any subsequent change to the use on the subject property not reflected on the originally approved site plan or the amended site plan filed with the Zoning Officer prior to the issuance of the zoning permit shall require the granting of another special exception to authorize such change.

(11) The Zoning Hearing Board's decision to grant a permit for a special exception use shall be made only after public notice and public hearing. Such permit shall apply specifically to the application and plans submitted and presented at said public hearing. Any subsequent amendments or additions shall be subject to review and public hearing by the Zoning Hearing Board as a special exception.

(12) If the Zoning Hearing Board requests a report from the Planning Commission pursuant to § 220-266: Special exceptions and variances, then no application for a permit shall be granted by the Zoning Hearing Board for any special exception use until said Board has first received and considered an advisory report thereon from the Planning Commission with respect to the location of such use in relation to the needs and growth pattern of the Township of Lower Allen, where appropriate, with reference to the adequacy of the site area and the arrangement of buildings, driveways, parking areas, off-street loading and unloading spaces and other pertinent features of the proposal.

(13) The Planning Commission shall have 30 days from the date of its receipt of the application within which to file its report thereon. In the event that the Planning Commission shall fail to file its report within 30 days, such application may be deemed to have been recommended approval by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may have representation at the public hearing held by the Zoning Hearing Board on such application. After receipt of the report, the Zoning Hearing Board shall hear the application in the same manner and under the same procedure as it is empowered by law and ordinance to hear cases and make exceptions to the provisions of this chapter. The Zoning Hearing Board may thereafter direct the Zoning Officer to issue a permit if, in its judgment, the request will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the Township of Lower Allen.

(14) A special exception use for which a permit is granted by the Zoning Hearing Board pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be construed to be a conforming use.