MapLink™ Procedures

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Administration and Enforcement
Enforcement It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer, who is hereby given the power and authority, to enforce the provisions of this chapter. Show Less It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer, who is hereby given the power and authority, to enforce the provisions of this ch... Show More Fees The Township Board of Commissioners shall establish, by resolution, a schedule of fees, charges and expenses. Show Less Show More Time limitations No person shall be allowed to file any proceeding with the Zoning Hearing Board later than 30 days after an application for development, preliminary or final, has been approved by the Township Show Less No person shall be allowed to file any proceeding with the Zoning Hearing Board later than 30 days after an application for d... Show More Stay of Proceedings Upon filing of any appeal proceeding and during its pendency, all land development pursuant to any challenged ordinance, order or approval of the Zoning Officer or of any agency or body and all official action thereunder shall be stayed until further investigation. Show Less Upon filing of any appeal proceeding and during its pendency, all land development pursuant to any challenged ordinance, orde... Show More Inspection by the Zoning Officer It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer or his duly appointed representative to make the following minimum number of inspections of property for which a permit has been issued. Show Less It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer or his duly appointed representative to make the following minimum number of inspe... Show More Variances The Zoning Hearing Board shall hear requests for variances where it is alleged that the provisions of this chapter inflict unnecessary hardship upon the applicant. Show Less The Zoning Hearing Board shall hear requests for variances where it is alleged that the provisions of this chapter inflict un... Show More Certificate of use and occupancy A certificate of use and occupancy shall be a statement issued by the Zoning Officer setting forth that a building, structure, parcel or use of land complies with the provisions of this chapter. Show Less A certificate of use and occupancy shall be a statement issued by the Zoning Officer setting forth that a building, structure... Show More Certificate of nonconformance A certificate of nonconformance shall be issued by the Zoning Officer to the owner of any property, upon request, which, at the time of the effective date of this chapter, is identified by the owner as containing a nonconforming use or structure. Show Less A certificate of nonconformance shall be issued by the Zoning Officer to the owner of any property, upon request, which, at t... Show More Violations and penalties When written notice of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter has been served by the Zoning Officer on the owner, agent or occupant or contractor, such violation shall be discontinued immediately. Show Less When written notice of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter has been served by the Zoning Officer on the owne... Show More